spadekevin: Video outside player (Ubuntu Linux 17.10/Wayland)
spadekevin 02 авг 2018 18:56 Изменен 15 ноя 2020 01:56 Редактировать Ссылка на этот пост |
I just had an issue under Ubuntu Linux 17.10 (Gnome Wayland) with the video playing outside of the main smplayer window. I am with Version: 17.7.0 (Revision 8599) of SMPlayer.While i found out that there is an option "Mplayer/mpv in own window" under program settings, it was already unchecked. But the video still played in an own window instance. To fix this i changed General->Video->Output Driver->"x11 (slow)" in the user settings. Now the video plays in the main player window Please help. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References:- Thanks! |
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